Port Clinton Peanut Shop

Firecracker, Sesame, Trail Mixes & More

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Firecracker, Sesame, Trail Mixes & More

Sunday-Wednesday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday & Friday: 10:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 8:00pm
Contact Us: 1-610-562-0610
97 Centre Street
Port Clinton, PA 19549

Take a Step Back In Time Dating Back to the Late 1800’s…
Step Up & Into the Experience of the Port Clinton Peanut Shop! It is like taking a step back in time while making new memories. There is an immediate fragrance of peanuts being roasted as you enter this vintage corner shop in Port Clinton, PA., while a sugary feast for your eyes glistens beyond.
We roast fresh roasted peanuts right on the premises of the shop along with making other homemade caramel corn, chocolate dipped bacon, potato candy, Irish potato (seasonal), peanut rolls, cinnamon nuts, brittles, homemade almond & peanut butter, peanut & almond turtles & barks, fudge to name a few made at the Port Clinton Peanut Shop. We also offer a plethora of sugarfree candies, licorices from around the world, specialty Belgian Pretzels, jelly belly jelly beans, Kopper’s Malted Malted Balls, dried fruits & nuts, nostalgic and novelty candy.
Take a Step Back in Time & Relive Some Childhood Memories While Making New Memories at the Port Clinton Peanut Shop